Red Creek Web Design

Do I Need a Website?

A few years ago, or "back in the day" as my daughter would say, I remember placing phone calls from a list of prospective clients, hoping to pick up some new work. Keep in mind, this was before internet and email. The usual response was - "It sounds interesting, mail me some of your work. " This met with moderate success as you can imagine.

Then one day, while doing some prospecting, I happened to be holding a magazine that featured some of my artwork. When the hopeful new client said "Send me some work", I asked if he had a copy of this particular magazine. He responded, "Why yes I do" and I said if you turn to page 102 you will see one of my latest renderings. He was quite impressed as we talked, and the conversation went on for a while as we discussed ways he could put my talents to use. I ended up getting a lot of work.

Now, the internet puts me in front of new clients. As a matter of fact, it is still working on my marketing, even when I am not.( As you are obviously reading this, you get my point.) If you get your message or product in front of possible clients, you have a much better chance of doing business. The internet provides the opportunity of putting you right on that prospective client's desk.

So why would you want to miss out on one of the most powerful touch points available to you?

You need a website!

An important concept to keep in mind, is that your space on the internet must deliver the message you intend. You need the right strategy and graphics to give a positive impression. That is where Red Creek Design becomes your strategic partner.


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