
Use quality area rugs and door mats by the outdoor entrance area to prevent dirt, sand, grit, and other substances such as oil, asphalt or driveway sealer from being tracked onto your floor.

Use floor protectors and wide-bearing leg bases/rollers to minimize indentations from heavy objects. A rule of thumb, the heavier the item, the wider the floor protector should be.

Maintain a normal indoor relative humidity level of 40-60% throughout the year to minimize the natural expansion and contraction of wood.

Keep pet's nails trimmed.

Use a dolly when moving heavy appliances or furniture. But first, put down a sheet of 1/4" plywood or masonite to protect floor. NEVER try to slide or roll heavy objects across the floor without precautions.


wood floor care
Regardless of what you might think, wood flooring is actually one of the easiest types of flooring to maintain. It wears very well and cleaning is not difficult. Here are some care and maintenance tips of which you might not be aware.